Ways to work together

One-on-one coaching for SINGLES

One on One Coaching is designed to help define your desire and potential to have the best sex, relationships, and the deepest intimacy possible. Addressing Sexual dysfunction in Men and Women, helping people gain confidence, a sense of power, learn how to find the kind of partner you are looking for, & perhaps the biggest thing of all learn how to love and accept yourself. Often, the sexual and intimate issues we face have been part of our experience for a very long time. We develop habits and strategies that help us get through life, often times they can often hinder our ability to thrive. Once certain habits or beliefs become ingrained, it becomes difficult to shift them. Change comes easy for some and takes more time for others. Like most other types of therapy, the treatment duration and total number of sessions will vary for each couple or individual.

coaching for Couples

Couples, if you’ve made your way to me chances are you want to make a change, spark things up, understand how the other person in your relationship feels. Perhaps you’re in a sexless marriage. Maybe your sex life is lacking after the birth of your child(ren)? Maybe you are absolutely in love and you just want to add to your bag of tools to continuously grow stronger as a couple. Have you heard of Open Relationships, Mongamish, Polyamory? If you have heard these terms and your interest is peaked or you want to know more you’ve come to the right place. I help couples decide if this is an option for them, and if it is we walk through the process of opening up. Often, the sexual and intimate issues we face have been part of our experience for a very long time. We develop habits and strategies that help us get through life, often times they can often hinder our ability to thrive. Once certain habits or beliefs become ingrained, it becomes difficult to shift them. Change comes easy for some and takes more time for others. Like most other types of therapy, the treatment duration and total number of sessions will vary for each couple or individual.


This is a great option for anyone that lives outside the area, or to get an immersive experience to jump start your learning and growth. We meet in person for a minimum of 2 hours, maximum 5 hours. This can be over a period of 1-3 days. Often, the sexual and intimate issues we face have been part of our experience for a very long time. We develop habits and strategies that help us get through life, often times they can often hinder our ability to thrive. Once certain habits or beliefs become ingrained, it becomes difficult to shift them. Change comes easy for some and takes more time for others. Like most other types of therapy, the treatment duration and total number of sessions will vary for each couple or individual.


Are you engaged? Are you thinking about getting married? Are you considering having a child with your person? Are you moving in with someone? If you answered yes to any of these questions this may be a great option for you! We delve into all of the deep dark dirty questions that no one ever thinks of asking before you make a lifelong commitment, or before you decide to live with your partner. Who is going to take out the trash anyways?